Host: The ModelGeek’s Podcast
Subject: Douglas A-4 Skyhawk
When: October ’21 – IPMS Nationals 2022
The ModelGeek’s Podcast announced last month that it will be hosting an A-4 Skyhawk group build on Facebook. While not a requirement it’s strongly encouraged that your bring your finished model to the 2022 IPMS Nationals in Omaha. Unfortunately, I already know I won’t be able to attend IPMS Nationals next year but a Skyhawk group build is HARD to pass up.
You can join the group build on the ModelGeek’s Facebook page created for the build.
Joining a Group Build
If you haven’t done so before, joining a group build is one of the best ways to advance your modeling skills. With so many people building the same kit you’ll learn all the best strategies, build orders, and techniques to help you through it. If the instructions are unclear or if you’re having trouble with a part fitting, there’s always someone in the group who can help. It’s also a great way to gain an extensive amount of knowledge about the subject your building. Beyond “rivet counting” it’s amazing how much some people know about a subject. So if you’re looking for hyper accuracy, a group build is a great way to help you achieve it.
The A-4 Skyhawk

The A-4 Skyhawk, nicknamed “Scooter”, is a fun little jet. A longtime workhorse of the U.S. Navy and Marines from the late ’50s to the early ’90s, the Skyhawk is mostly known for its ground attack role in Vietnam. Notably, the late Senator John McCain was shot down over Vietnam in his A-4E. The Skyhawk has seen action in forces across the world from Israel in the Yom Kippur War of the ’70s, to Argentina in the Falklands War of ’80s, and to the Kuwaiti Air Force in the first Gulf War of the early ’90s.
The aforementioned makes this a great kit to build as there are a ton of variants and schemes to choose from.
Kits to Build
Despite being such a versatile subject there are surprisingly few available kits. Hasegawa is the market leader in 1/48th scale but outside their A-4M other reboxings are harder to come by. You can view my build of the Hasegawa A-4M HERE. Hobby Boss has the newest tooling in 1/48 and from what I’ve read it is a good representation. If you want an early Skyhawk go with Hobby Boss unless you find a reboxing of the Hasegawa kit. Otherwise there are plenty of aftermarket and conversions for the A-4M.
In 1/72nd scale Airfix has the newest tool and is my only recommendation. Fujimi has an older tooled kit from the ’80s but I feel the Airfix kit is superior – and cheaper by a mile. I have a detailed review of the Airfix kit HERE and you can view the finished build in my showcase HERE.
With that said be sure to check out the ModelGeeks Podcast and join in on the group build!